Warning: Digging up a molting crab may result in deformities or death.
This should only be done if you’re absolutely sure the crab will die if NOT dug up.
Emergency situations:
▪️Evacuation due to fire, flooding, or other natural disaster
▪️Eviction from your home or apartment
▪️Tank is flooded
Always consult with an expert, moderator, or an admin on the facebook group HermitCrabOwners if you’re
uncertain about your situation.
The following are not emergencies:
▪️Long molt times are not emergencies. Never dig for a crab just to see if it
is still alive.
▪️Loss of electricity – a short term decrease in temperature or humidity is acceptable. Please refer to the Backup Heating for ways to keep your tank warm during extended outages. Battery operated air pumps and wet sphagnum moss in a container will help maintain the humidity.
When digging for your hermit crabs, it is important to carefully and gently excavate in layers, much like an archaeologist digs for ancient relics.
Visualize the substrate in layers of boxes (think of a Rubik’s Cube). The number of layers and cubes is up to you, but don’t dig down too deep at one time. You don’t want to collapse a molt cave.
Begin in one corner and carefully remove the substrate from the top layer.
If you don’t see the crab, look for exoskeleton, which could mean you are getting close. Move over to the next cube and do the same. Once each layer is removed, start on the next layer.
When you find the crab, carefully scoop it up from BELOW the shell. Do NOT pick it up by the shell. It is weak and may fall out. After you place it in the isolation container (described below), look for the shed exoskeleton if your crab appears pale (large pincher will look pale pink or pale purple), smooth, and soft.
Isolation Directions:
▪️Use a small food storage container with a lid. Poke a few holes in the lid.
▪️Line the container with a “nest” of damp sphagnum moss.
▪️Carefully scoop up the molting crab from underneath. Do NOT pick it up
by the shell.
▪️Place molting crab, the substrate that is in your hands, and the shed
exoskeleton into the container. Secure the lid.
▪️Place in tank to keep it warm and humid.
▪️Do NOT let crab out until it is actively trying to escape.
▪️Do not put food and water inside the container. In addition to nutrients
stored in its molt sac and water in its shell, the crab will absorb water from
the moss and nutrition when it eats the old exoskeleton. It will also need a
little time for the new exoskeleton to harden, so don’t rush it